2nd Year Campaign Cheque
Planning starts soon for the 3rd annual Snow Angels 4 CHEO Fundraiser – raising funds and awareness for kids fighting cancer and their dear families who support them.

New Friends at Winterlude
The CHEO Bear found a friend today at Winterlude! The Museum of Nature’s Martin the Moose was there and were friends at first sight 😊

Canadian Ski Patrol – Guinness Attempt 2018
Find Roland! Our founder Roland decided to take part in the 2018 Ski Patrol Guinness attempt for the most simultaneous snow angels. Canadians from all

Over $3000 raised Winter 2016/17
Thank you to everyone who participated in this first year of Snow Angels 4 CHEO! – Especially to Karlis and Jakob who performed snow angels

Kid’s cancer facts
Cancer is the number one disease killing children from age six months to young adulthood. It is the leading cause of non-accidental death in children.