
Superstar Media Sponsors

These guys are simply amazing!  Stu, Janel, Angie, and Katherine – you all rock!!!

Trivia Night at TailGators

Very grateful for everyone who participated in our trivia night which was sponsored by TailGators. YOW Popcorn provided snacks and prizes – enjoyed by all 🙂
We are very grateful to our sponsors who made this a success!

Participant & Event Videos

Inspiring photos from the campaign

Snow angel makers across the city were having fun for a great cause. Including radio celebrities!

Finale at CHEO

We met at CHEO to perform snow angels in bathing suits and costumes for our campaign finale.  
Our CHEO kid Hero Ollie, organizers Dawn & Roland, Audrey, Sam, M-A (Pro Physio), and family support 🙂